Steam Embedding Search

A web application for searching Steam games using embeddings generated from game descriptions and reviews.

December 28, 2023

Steam Game Search Overview

A brief implementation overview of the entire project and how it was put together, including definitions and background information needed to understand how it works.

November 20, 2023

My First Nix Derivation: OpenStreetMap Overpass Server

I stumbled upon Nix recently and I thought it was a very interesting project. If you’ve managed to find this post, then I imagine you already have an idea of what Nix is. But if not, they’ve provided a handy page describing exactly what makes it so convenient for developers. One of the things you find out very quickly when you start learning Nix is that a lot of information teaching Nix is in the form of blog posts from random people sharing what they’re doing to learn Nix. All of the blog posts seem to be called “Learning Nix” or “Teaching Myself Nix”, and so on. I figured I might as well add to the noise here with my own story on learning Nix 😊. ...

October 23, 2022